
Our Story

Cafe Rosa Blanca began in 2002 when Glenn Jampol and Teresa Osman had a dream of creating a high-quality shade grown organic coffee plantation. Now, many years later, they live in the middle of the plantation overseeing the plantation’s every need. They live with the beauty of Cafe Rosa Blanca along with 140 species of birds, mammals, countless dogs, friends and family.

We believe that the quality, personalization and responsibility have a great influence over decisions that our clients may make we would like to set an example of dedication and commitment to responsible and organic agricultural practices, without sacrificing a high quality coffee.

Through our personalized coffee plantation tour with educational and hands-on experiences to our guests, we enhance their understanding and support for conservation, education, and a reduced carbon footprint.

Our Coffee

Café Rosa Blanca is a high-altitude hard bean Arabica coffee which is grown under a canopy of native shade trees. You can take a tour of our organic and sustainable coffee plantation with our guide Ulises Zúñiga and experience the amazing symbiosis of coffee with other plants and trees. The plantation is shaded by a canopy of trees which are home to over 140 species of birds, including the beautiful Lesson’s Motmot and the Montezuma Oropendola.

You will walk through many of the thousands of native trees we have planted with the help of the environmental protection agency (MINAET) our staff and local school children. These Costa Rican trees produce shade and nitrogen for our organic coffee and have created biological corridors and a home for the birds, butterflies and animals of the area.

The coffee is planted following the natural topography of the farm to avoid erosion and water waste, and is protected by living fences planted with native shrubs and trees.

Technical Details

Owner of farm: Glenn Jampol and Teresa Osman.
Name of farm: Café Finca Rosa Blanca (the company’s official registered corporation name is “Empresas SXJ S.A.).
Purchased: 2002
Geographic Location: Central Costa Rica in the Coffee Highlands (“Cordillera Central”).
Region: Santa Bárbara de Heredia. Located in the northwest corner of the province of Heredia, on the border of the province of Alajuela, at 1250 meters above sea level.
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance – Sustainable Coffee; Kiwa BCS Garantie – Organic certification; ICAFE, Estate coffee, single origin.
Certified Organic by: Kiwa BCS Garantie
Coffee Varieties: Mainly Caturra and Obatá with Geisha, Marseillaise & Catuaí.
Annual Organic Production: Aprox. 3,000- 8,000 kilos of “Grano de Oro” (green coffee).
Percentage of Organic certified coffee: 100%
Processing information: 1. Wet processing, 2. Non-fermented drying process (Honey/Miel). 3. Natural dried with the pulp left on
Observations – Cupping Notes: Q+ score- 87: Chocolate, citrus, nippy, pipe tobacco, caramel butter.

Our Farm & Team

Finca Rosa Blanca has 30 acres of high-quality hard bean Arabica coffee plants an aesthetically delightful landscape. We are a certified organic coffee farm and thus we do not use agrochemicals, pesticides, herbicides or fungicides, preferring to apply the rich compost from our vermiculture (Californian earthworm) and from the composting of organic refuse from the hotel. We apply only natural remedies for the fungus and pests which can plague coffee.

Our coffee is certified organic by Kiwa BCS Garantie , an international organic agriculture certification and is certified sustainable by Rainforest Alliance and ICAFE, the Costa Rica National Institute for Coffee.